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Borrowing & Renewing

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  • Loan Periods
    • Students: Most regular circulating items may be borrowed for 42 days, except at the end of the term when a final due date may be established.
    • Faculty and staff: Most regular circulating items may be borrowed for 180 days, or until the library account expires, if less.
    • Alumni Courtesy Cards: Most regular circulating items can be checked out for 21 days.
    • DVDs, maps, and journals all circulate for 7 days.
    • Popular reading collection items circulate for 42 days.
    • Course Reserve items circulate for 4 hours or 24 hours (chosen by faculty).
    • Reference books and microfiche/film do not circulate.
    • Recalls: Occasionally we may require that an item is returned sooner than the original due date for another patron or course.
  • Renewals
    • Students: There is a limit of 3 online renewals for regular circulating items and 1 online renewal for 7-day items.
    • Faculty and staff: There is a limit of 10 online renewals for regular circulating items and 1 online renewal for 7-day items.
    • Courtesy Cards: Renewals must be done in person or by phone. There is a limit of 3 renewals for regular circulating items and 1 renewal for 7-day items.
    • Most items may be renewed unless they are needed by another patron or for course reserves.
    • Renewals can be requested through .
  • Overdue & Lost Items
    • Library materials not returned by the third overdue notice will result in a block on your library privileges.
    • Further delays in returning library materials will result in each overdue item being billed at $125.
    • Students: Bills for lost materials will be transferred to your bursar account and may result in a hold on your student account.

If you have questions, please contact the Library Help Desk (librarycirc@scu.edu, 408-554-5020) for more information.